Wednesday, September 10, 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 8
What's in your desk drawer, and what can you infer from those contents?

I have about 7 highlighters, 25 pens, 10 Sharpie markers, 5 different types/colors/sizes of Post-Its, scissors, staple remover, paperclips, 2 extra stylii, glasses wipes, and 3 different kinds of passes. From this mess of items, it's clear that I write a lot of sticky-notes to myself--in many colors, highlighted for further distinguishing. The different passes show that I (relatively) frequently pull students from class for a visit to me, allow students to jump to the front of the lunch-line when they work with me over lunch, and get back to class when they are late. I'm sure any teacher has a similar drawer full of random assorted items.

In my drawer is no epiphany or revelation of my identity...those are all on my bookshelf.

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